Think of a quiet place.
Go on . . . surely you can think of one spot in your world that is totally quiet?
Hmmm . . . that must make it hard to be this kind of girl:
But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious (1 Pet. 3:4).
In a world that seems to constantly be screaming at us, finding a quiet place to pray and read the Bible can be tough! That’s why this week we’re giving away The Quiet Place by Lies Young Women Believe co-author Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
Here’s what Nancy writes in the book’s introduction:
Far too often, far too many of us—myself included—opt for checking Facebook over meditating on His Book, playing Words with Friends over savoring the Word of our dearest Friend.
If that describes you, be sure to enter our Freebie Friday giveaway this week to win A Quiet Place.
Here’s how you win!