If you’ve ever looked at your list of Facebook friends and felt like none of them really know you . . . this book is for you.
If you have lots of friends, a full schedule, and a lonely feeling you can’t seem to shake . . . this book is for you.
If you feel like no one really knows you or understands you . . . this book is for you.
Connected: Curing the Pandemic of Everyone Feeling Alone Together is a book about loneliness, kind of. It’s the story of how I spent most of my life lonely. But it’s not a sad story. Spoiler alert: I’m not lonely anymore. I ran to God’s Word and found answers to my questions about:
- What my relationships are supposed to look like.
- Why God wired me to crave connection.
- How to connect with God and others.
It’s good stuff, and I want to get it into the hands and hearts of lonely girls everywhere.
I’d love for you to read (and then share!) a sample chapter. I’ll pick one of you to win a free copy of Connected: Curing the Pandemic of Everyone Feeling Alone Together.